
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Trading report: Trying to close some winners, and a NEW position - chips chips and chips

Currently on the board are orders to close spreads on Mastercard, Apple, and Google.  This page will be updated if the orders fill.

After a few days of "digestion" on the news that QCOM is facing some lawsuits I made another move.  Same strikes as my current position, but with a shorter duration.

Here's the brick:

So here are the opening numbers:
5 contracts
Max profit $317.70
Max loss (2500-317.70) $2182.30
Days to expiry: 66

So there you go!  This is on the low side of my target for risk/reward, but the duration is shorter than I normally do.  If this expires worthless in 66 days, it will represent a 81% annualized return.

Stay HUNGRY my friends!

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