
Monday, November 10, 2014

Trading summary: Drugs and burgers

Today's trades: closing 2 spreads.  I didn't stick to my target goals.  But with the amount of time left on the contracts, it wasn't worth holding them for the last few pennies.

So, here's the brick to see the closing times, commissions and prices!

NB: (as always) buying a BEAR put spread closes the corresponding BULL put spread.

PFE - Pfizer
5 contracts Jan 2015 $28/26 bull put spread 
Position open: Aug 27
Position closed: Nov 10
Position open: 75 days
Maximum Premium : $175.28
Maximum loss: $824.72  (1000-175.28)
 Closed @ 67% capture ($121.28)
Representing an annualized yield of 67%

MCD - MacDonalds
5 contracts Dec $87.50/85 bull put spread 
Position open: Aug 19
Position closed: Nov 10
Position open: 83 days
Maximum Premium : $141.01
Maximum loss: $1108.99  (1250-141.01)
 Closed @ 59% capture ($91.01)
Representing an annualized yield of 34%

Stay HUNGRY my friends!

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