
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Trading Summary: closing more winners

As it's getting harder and harder to come up with entertaining, yet brow-beating, denigrating, and insulting commentary to attempt to shame convince you to trade options through humiliating encouraging you.  So in lieu of any of that, here's the daily round up.

I didn't trade yesterday, hence no post.  But today I closed 2 winners.

Here's the brick:
NB: bear spread is the INVERSE of the bull spread. (buying the bear spread closes the bull spread)

CLOSED: DIS - Disney
5 contracts Dec $82.50/80 bull put spread 
Position open: Oct-8
Position closed: Nov 13
Position open: 36 days
Maximum Premium : $232.69
Maximum loss: $1017.31  (1250-232.69)
 Closed @ 69% capture ($162.69)
Representing an annualized yield of 150%

CLOSED: MA - MasterCard
5 contracts Dec $65/60 bull put spread 
Position open: Sep 11
Position closed: Nov 13
Position open: 62 days
Maximum Premium : $326.71
Maximum loss: $923.21  (1250-326.79)
 Closed @ 74% capture ($251.79)
Representing an annualized yield of 65%

Stay Hungry my friends!

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