
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Trade Summary: catching up

As per the live-tweeted trades on twitter, here are the resulting numbers from trades I closed a while back, but hadn't blogged about until good ol' Steve at gave me the kick I needed to brag keep updating you folks on my trades.  So here they are in order of CLOSING:

5 contracts of Microsoft (MSFT) September 26 $42/40 bull put spread 
Position open: August 7
Position closed: August 21
Position open: 14 days
Maximum Premium : $199.81
Maximum loss: $800.19
Closed @ 78% capture ($159.81)
Representing an annualized yield of 475%

5 contracts of YUM Foods (YUM) September 19, $67.50/65.00 bull put spread
Position open: August 12
Position closed August 21
Position open : 9 days
Maximum premium: $174.45
Maximum loss: $1074.55
Closed @ 61% capture ($109.45)
Representing an annualized yield of 416%

1 contract of Tesla Motors (TSLA) August 29th $257.50/255.00 bull put spread
Position open: August 26
Position closed: August 29
Position open: 3 days
Maximum premium: $43.42
Maximum loss: $1206.58
Closed @ 100% capture (expired worthless)
Representing an annualized yield of 2557%

5 contracts of Macdonald Dettwiler & Associates (MDA) October $76/74 bull put spread
Position open: August 14
Position closed: September 9
Position open 26 days
Maximum premium: $220
Maximum loss: $780
Closed @ 55% capture ($130)
Representing an annualized yield of 191%

2 contracts of Apple computers (AAPL) January 2015 $80/75 Bull put spread
Position open: August 11
Position closed: September 25
Position open: 45 days
Maximum premium: $126.49
Maximum Loss: $873.51
Closed @ 49% capture ($64.49)
Representing an annualized yield of 55%

There are a few other trades that went by in my twitter feed: Some naked puts on MasterCard, an option assignment, then a covered call to sell it.  But the most striking returns generated from my account are from bull put spreads.  So that's what I'll keep blogging about.

On October 15th, I "rolled" a position to give it more time, so it's still open in my book and not ready to report.  Although you will have seen the tweet go by reporting the trade.

Am I getting through to you "cant-beat-the-index-naysayers" yet?

Stay HUNGRY my friends!

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