
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Trade summary: Apple

I forgot to blog this on Monday.  Anyway, it was time for me to close my last Apple spread.  It had done it's magic.

Here's the brick: (No commission shown it cost $7.89)

CLOSED: AAPL - Apple Computers
5 contracts APRIL 2015 $85/80 bull put spread 
Position open: sep-4
Position closed: nov-17
Position open: 74
Maximum Premium : $512.19
Maximum loss: $1987.81 (2500-512.19)
Closed @ 78% capture ($412.19)
Representing an annualized yield of 97%

I'm still bullish on Apple, so I'll be looking to add a new position 3-6 months out with higher strikes.

 In other news, it looks like I'm running an average annualized yield of 40-45%.  I'm unable to give you an exact number so far because my account wasn't even fully funded until last month.  Once I get more than 6 months of data in the new account (look for it 5 months from now) then I'll be able to give you the reports that show my rate of return.

Stay HUNGRY my friends.

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