
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Daily trade report: Coffee, Chocolate, and Princesses.

New positions!!!

I closed my Starbucks November put spread this morning, and later this afternoon entered 2 new positions.  One on Disney, and one of Hershey.

Here's the screen-cap:

Opened NEW positions of: 
Hershey: May 2015 $85/80 Bull put spread $0.70 credit per share ($70 per contract)
Disney: April 2015 $82.50/80 Bull put spread $0.55 credit per share ($55 per contract)

I CLOSED the following:
5 contracts of Starbucks (SBUX) NOV $70/65 bull put spread 
Position open: August 19
Position closed: Nov 4
Position open: 77 days
Maximum Premium : $177.71
Maximum loss: $2322.29
Closed @ 77% capture ($142.71)
Representing an annualized yield of 29%

In hindsight, this trade wasn't worth the risk as my risk/reward was more than I typically want. But really though, it did make money and a 29% annualized yield is nothing to sneeze at.

Stay hungry my friends!

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