
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Life n' stuff

I haven't posted much lately... It's because I have little time and/or passion for documenting my growth as a trader.  In a moment of brilliance earlier today, I had an idea for a post.  Thanks to the sleep-deprived nature of being a parent, that well-formed idea has now vanished.

Suffice it to say, the world-domination I had hoped to achieve through blogging has not yet been realized, nor do I ever expect it to be.

For the near term, if you want to know more about me or what I do, catch me on twitter @blerghhh.  Or if you want to follow my trades which I live-tweet then follow @short_put.

Stay hungry my friends.

1 comment:

  1. The amount of hassle for taking care of a toddler seems to be very different depending on the family. Some of my friends have kids between 1-4 years old. Some say their kids sleep well at night and don't cause problems, others say their kids wake up multiple times in the middle of the night, break stuff, and frequently causes trouble. But it's all part of parenthood I guess :)
    As for trading, it sounds like you're getting better at it from the limited Twitter conversations I've seen you have with other option trader. It's hard to find good opportunities when markets are plummeting like recently though. Good luck :)
